Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Dairy Companies Why Do Many Companies Put Dairy In Dark Chocolate?

Why do many companies put dairy in dark chocolate? - dairy companies

I am a vegetarian, not eating, then, what with milk, but many companies with lines of dark chocolate, milk or butter in them? Why? If someone chocolate milk, why not chocolate milk. In addition, milk completely negates the antioxidants in chocolate?

Do you think that makes the chocolate taste better?


Chef J said...

Milk chocolate contains no milk (not even by definition.) Chocolate milk, just means that you have a higher percentage of cocoa butter and a lower percentage of cocoa.

Of course, add some milk companies, which may contribute to the need to temper the chocolate. You can also use as a seasoning or God knows what else to add. Let your product and you can add what they want.

In addition, the direct 100% cocoa is very bitter. It is really only used where the ingredients to boil, sugar, milk fat and other separately mixed.

That is why dark chocolate is usually only about a 70-82% cocoa ... In addition, and the chocolate too bitter to eat directly.

I hope that answers your question! All I know is a vegan chocolate brand in the United States, Paul Newman, but are not currently on the lookout for everything.

I hope you can find in the United Kingdom. Good luck with your search!

Anonymous said...

That's what they think. The Americans are not accustomed to the real thing.

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