Monday, January 11, 2010

How To Solve A Problem Sorry Scanner Cannot Be Initialized Ok..sorry.. Another Problem I Cant Solve But Its A Diff. Type..?

Ok..sorry.. another problem i cant solve but its a diff. type..? - how to solve a problem sorry scanner cannot be initialized

My manual says:

for all cars:

(2a ^ 2 + 9y + 7) / (y +1)

(Here's a picture of my role with this problem writtn) & ...

again thank you to you all!


waneiac said...

I see your mistake! When multiplied by the 2nd and 1 2y ^ 2 +2 was, if it is correct. They represent the answer in 2a ^ 2 +9 and is also true. Then 2y ^ 2 +2 2y ^ 2 +9 and it's the right idea, subtract, but he forgot that is a tacit parentheses in this step.

Watch this idea from a different perspective. Suppose you have (2y ^ 2 a.m. to 9 p.m.) - (2a ^ 2 +2 do y). Since the brackets would distribute the sign - and get 2y ^ 2 +9 y-2y ^ 2-2y 7y give. But since the failure to sign, you have 11 and then got the wrong problem. If it were done right, 7, 7, the next group was, and you'll get in a position to a first set of answers.

Always avoid parentheses around these groups to errors in the sign!

bob said...

Answer 2 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Add 9y and 2a, the errors
actually deduct 9y and 2a

Melroy said...

Kelli s is true Coz .. not sure if it can be zero and find the values of Y, but.

Melroy said...

Kelli s is true Coz .. not sure if it can be zero and find the values of Y, but.

Melroy said...

Kelli s is true Coz .. not sure if it can be zero and find the values of Y, but.

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