Tuesday, February 16, 2010

How Many Numbers Are On A Wow Tcg For How Many 9-digit Prime Numbers As Argument Does Wow(x) Return 8 ?

For how many 9-digit prime numbers as argument does wow(x) return 8 ? - how many numbers are on a wow tcg

WOW () integer x integer
s World
while (true)
sum_of_digits = s (x)
if (s is equal to x)
x = s
return x

How many 9-digit prime number of the argument, wow (x) return 8?


cja said...

We have last week:

http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index ...


oops said...

Why ask these people? Just run the same shit.

Make a list of primes up to the square root of this number is increased by 9 points.
Loop through all 9 digits if the sum of 8-digit check to see if it is the first test, if it is divisible by no number in the main list. Make sure that the sum of the numbers, first because the sum of the numbers much faster than the control primes.

Kardinal said...

This algorithm has nothing to do with prime numbers or aft. What it does is simply the sum of all digits of x recursively until it reaches a value of 1 digit, then returns.

The answer is then returned 8 of the 9-digit prime number as many digits to 9 contact numbers whose sum recursively 8th cousins

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