Saturday, February 20, 2010

Removal Of Lip Wart Can Anyone Help Me To Do A Reaction Paper About Vulvectomy?

Can anyone help me to do a reaction paper about vulvectomy? - removal of lip wart

Vulvectomy refers to a gynecological procedure in which the vulva is partly or completely removed. Usually this is done as a last resort in some cases of cancer, vulvar dysplasia or human papilloma virus (genital warts). The patient feels a pain in the groin for a few weeks after the procedure. Sexual function is still usually possible but limited.
A simple vulvectomy means removal of all external tissues and a radical vulvectomy is the same, but also the removal of the lymph nodes, the clitoris and surrounding tissue is also removed. Partial vulvectomy is the least severe means that only the affected part of the vulva. Vulvectomy involves the removal of the upper layer of the skin of the vulva (external female genitalia including the clitoris, vagina lIPS and the opening of the vagina), where the cancer. Skin grafts from other parts of the body may be necessary to cover the region. There are two types of vulvectomy, partial vulvectomy vulvectomy and technical talk total. The first objective is to preserve the aesthetic and functional integrity of the vulva in young patients and sexually active with a steady increase in the incidence of vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia was observed in the last ten years, while the target, the total skinning vulvectomy, the entire vulva to remove the total replacement of skin grafts in patients with cancer, the entire vulva. Modified radical vulvectomy is the removal of the vulva with cancer and some surrounding healthy tissue.

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